More wise words from the man who excelled in wisdom. Do you ever ask yourself...why? That one word holds so much promise or pain depending on your circumstance. It can conclude with any number of phrases such as why is this happening to me? Why is my child ill? Why did I get sick? Why aren't I married yet? Why am I divorced again? Why is my child on drugs? Why am I not happy? Why am I so blessed? Why was I spared? Why...Why...Why. The world is full of whys which indicate that there are many unanswered questions in life.
Each of us, if we are honest, question life on occasion...and we might even question God. I know that I've done it. Do I have all the answers? No....Do I even have all the questions to life? A resounding no! I do, however; know the unanswered questions that plague my life. By nature, I am an inquisitive person, always seeking understanding...which is o.k. in balance. However, when I began to operate in the extreme, I get troubled in my soul.
The wisest man in the world declares, as a conclusion of the matter, that life simply happens. It behooves each of us to embrace our life as it. It's o.k. to want to know why, but strive to be content.
Don't be discouraged and certainly not condemned by the circumstances of your life. Remember circumstances are bound to change. You have power over your circumstance, not always to change them, but to rise above them and be changed - positively! Therefore, seek peace in you "why".
The power is not always in understanding but accepting. Know that God is ultimately in control and has every answer to your why. If He chooses to disclose the answers or not, they are both within His sovereignty and power.
I would encourage those of you who might be demanding an answer to your "whys" to instead seek peace in the circumstance. Remember your purpose is greater than your circumstance! God bless you.