Do not let your heart envy sinners, but always be zealous for the fear of the LORD. Proverbs 23:17 I love the book of Proverbs because it is simple but yet full of so many life changing truths. It is my sincere belief that if Christians would heed the words of one of the wisest men that ever walked the face of the earth, we would see our lives transformed. Therefore, it is imperative that we take to heart the words of Solomon. Solomon gives us advice for daily living. He speaks of common situations and people that we encounter every day. For example, the opening scripture states that we should not envy sinners. You might think, I don’t envy sinners, but I beg to differ. This walk that we walk is difficult because it requires us to deny (initially) many of the things that our flesh might desire. We are called upon to be zealous for God and His kingdom and not for riches and pleasures of this world. It doesn’t matter how spiritually mature or ‘holy’ you are the war of the flesh and spirit rages on. As long as we live on this earth the battle will continue. Thus we don’t deny that we have fleshly, carnal desires we simply must not yield to them. Part of that yielding is secretly envying those that freely partake in the material things and activities of this world. Let me pause for a moment for those of you that still deny that you have some envy in your heart. One thing I’ve discovered about God and His word is that He doesn’t waste or mince words. God warns us with cause. If God issued the warning we should heed it because the propensity exists within us all. We don’t have to be ashamed of it, just don’t yield to it. This is a word to the weary - Our Christian walk is not easy especially when you consider the prosperity of the wicked. We need to guard our hearts against attitudes of envy and focus on keeping the flame burning for God. Solomon issues this warning because this attitude, as innocent as it may appear – can open the door to other faith defeating attitudes and ways. Be encouraged today in your zeal for God. Don’t become lukewarm because you continue to deny yourself for Christ while the wicked prosper. Remember it is only for a season. The Christian faith requires patience and long suffering. These are not words that we do not want to hear, but are integral to a victorious Christian life. Remain mindful that our greatest rewards are not from this world, but are yet to come from God. Be encouraged today and keep your zeal. All scripture quoted from the New International Version of the Bible. International Bible Society Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 |