Yet again a Truth Point rallying Christians to pray. It doesn't matter if you are Republican or Democrat, there are some serious issues facing our nation that need God's intervention. You have heard it said that the building is not the church, but the people. Well the same holds true for our nation. The national borders do not define America, but the people define America. Therefore, we the people - as the constitution declares, must reclaim America for God. Many will argue this point, but I'm fully persuaded that America was intended to be, and still is, a Christian nation.
Do you pray for your national leaders? God commands the opening scripture and attaches the promise that if we do we will live peaceful lives in all godliness. I personally do not want to see this great nation fall. I ask you to join me in this concern. God has left us (Christians) here to be the salt of the earth - if we have lost our saltiness what good are we? We must continue to preserve the values and ideologies of our great democracy. Don't underestimate prayer. It is powerful in influencing our leaders to make godly decisions that reflect the values of the people and uphold the pillars of democracy.
This is a rallying cry to stir Christians to action. Since I've committed to pray in this area, I have seen some miraculous, unprecedented events occur as it pertains to our nation and our leaders. Christians - I'm calling you to be a watchman on the wall and intercede for America. We can and will make a difference.
As always - continue to be encouraged!
Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society