There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs. Luke 12:2,3
We live in a day where deception abounds. Accepting something or someone at face value no longer apply nor does it serve the stated ends of our God. God’s people are called to be innocent as a dove but wise as a serpent (scripture). In a society where identity theft, credit card fraud, background investigations (not for government jobs but for every day, ordinary jobs), white collar crime, voyeurism, pornography and double lifestyles (a phrase coined in America) abound, it attest to our society sinking to new depths of immoral and amoral behavior and a growing duplicity. We grow more and more suspicious (and rightly so) because people aren’t what they seem. I wish I could restrict this to the world but we are seeing it in the religious community as well. We see two sides of every person and thing.
There is a public persona/side and a private persona/side and the lines of separation are clearly drawn. This begs the question: Who or what do we trust and who or what should we believe? God and believe His Word.
When God directed me to this scripture and confirmed it twice in Luke and Mark, He spoke to my Spirit that things and people are about to be turned inside out and that the true heart of men (mankind) will be revealed. I’m beginning to see it. Persons that I have known or been familiar with for years are being shown for who and what they truly are. Some of it is good and some bad. Remember God has always looked at the heart of man – now it is time for us to follow this leading. We need to move past the exterior of anything and see (with spiritual eyes) the true intent.
Remember, we live in an age of deception which is ordained for only a “season”. However, seasons change…and when the season is over it is absolutely, undoubtedly over. There is nothing that no one can do because God has ordained it. I believe the season for the mass deception is coming to an end.
This weeks’ encouragement is simple – trust God and the leading of His Holy Spirit – the spirit of Truth which will lead you into all truth. As we move along the course of our busy lives and are confronted with various people and situations – be careful to follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit. God is omniscient – all knowing – therefore His spirit is all knowing. Don’t dismiss the Spirit’s leading. If He directs you to or away from a person or situation, follow Him without question. He knows the “truth” about the person or thing. Oftentimes we are led by our emotions, but that season is over too. Emotions are too fickle and times too critical to trust our emotions. As always, be encouraged because the Spirit of Truth lives in you!
Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society.