He mocks proud mockers but gives grace to the humble. Proverbs 3:34
During my study, God led me to this scripture both in James 4:6 and I Peter 4:18. While pondering it, He revealed that the next level for the body of Christ is humility. Several years ago God spoke sternly to me that many Christians' efforts were being frustrated because they weren't motivated by love. I was one of them. I believe He is speaking a similar truth regarding humility.
In some translations, Proverbs 3:34 reads that God resist the proud but gives grace to the humble. Humility is the extreme opposite of pride. Because humility and pride are extreme opposites, God's response to the two are opposite as well. Note that for the proud, He resist, scoffs and scorns; but to the humble He gives His grace...undeserved favor.
If we desire to see more of God's grace operating in our lives, then we must learn to walk in humility. What is humility? The state of being humble or lack of pride. So...what is pride? Pride is an excessively high opinion of oneself, conceit.
I'll boldly declare that the next revelation for the body of Christ to walk in is humility. In order for us to advance the kingdom of God on earth we must began to esteem others equally or higher than ourselves. I'm not proposing that we neglect ourselves because that's not wisdom; only that we consider others salvation as important as ours. In order to do this, we must lay aside our self-centered projects and engage in the things that God requires. How do we discern the two?...the Holy Spirit will be our guide.
Began to esteem your fellowman from God's perspective and not yours. God considered the souls of every individual so highly that He sent His only Son to die for our sins. Who have you esteemed today? This word is to encourage each of you to walk in the God-kind of humility. As you walk in humility, God's grace will be sufficient and available to you.
Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION ® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society