Do not be anxious about anything...Phillipians 4:6 NIV
A very simple scripture with profound consequences. We live in a society plagued by worry and anxiety. Worry torments the soul and mind of men, women and children indiscriminately. Anxiety induced disorders abound in our American culture because we live in a fast-paced society, pressuring us via subtle and not so subtle means to do more, have more and be more. In our eagerness to keep pace - we often sacrifice our inner peace.
There is a song that comes to mind, "What a Friend we have in Jesus". One of the stanza says - 'Oh what peace we often forfeit because we do not take it to God in prayer.' Don't forfeit your peace because of the pace of your life and the cares of this world. Learn today how to cast your care upon God for He truly cares for you.
Don't be anxious - this is not a suggestion, but a command. Our anxieties and fears do not accomplish the will of God. Entrust all that you are and hope to be to God. He has promised that He will perfect everything that concerns you.
Cast your care and let the peace of God rest, rule and abide in your hearts. Be encouraged!