God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? Numbers 23:19
God is beyond reproach. If there is any situation in your life that has not unfolded according to what you believe or desire; I assure you...the fault is not with God. No one can bring any accusation against God. He is faithful and remains faithful until the very end.
God has decreed in His word that His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways....which means that He views us and our lives through a totally different lens. He has eternity in mind. I state this to make the point that He has ways that are beyond our understanding.
We all have areas in our lives that we desire God to move in a phenomenal way. If God hasn't moved in that area, hold on and continue to trust Him. Don't become bitter or discouraged because of your current situation. Situations change, God does not. He is faithful to His word and whatever He has promised He is able to fulfill. Therefore, continue to trust God, not for your will, but for His perfect will.
This week I encourage you to release any accusations or attitudes of bitterness toward God. It doesn't matter what you are currently facing, God has not failed you. Don't allow the enemy to tempt you into bitterness and thereby alienate you from God, the only person that can change the outcome of the situation. Trust that God's perfect will is being accomplished in your life.