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Writer's picture: Gloria WigginsGloria Wiggins

Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. Luke 9:23


This is the clarion call to the Christion soldier. Anyone who desires to live a life that is pleasing to God and according to His will must - deny himself. That denial comes in the form of our mind, will and emotions. Once we learn to sacrifice our rights to our soulish desires, we move into a position to be used by God. God is looking for a people who is available for service - heart, mind and soul. I encourage you this week to denounce your will, your emotions and the prevailing thoughts in your mind. Take on the mind of Christ. This is not a one time sacrifice, but a daily sacrifice. When the enemy bombards your mind with thoughts of the past, worry or  anxiety - take them captive and make them obedient to the knowledge of Christ. When you are confronted with a situation or a decision and your flesh (will) rises up - denounce it and follow the way of truth. Lastly, when your emotions are raging over a past or current offense - denounce them and pray from those who have offended you as commanded in the Word of God. This is true sacrifice and denial in the sight of God. It goes beyond the giving of ones possessions and reaches to the depths of  giving yourself to Christ.
