Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
The context of the scripture refers to giving money, however; God spoke to me about to me about our service to Him. How willing are you in ministry? Do you give your time to God, people and things of God freely - or reluctantly and begrudgingly.
God wants us to be cheerful givers when serving Him. Some people, oddly enough, have an attitude that they are doing God or people a favor by serving in the church or in ministry. Not recognizing that grace has been extended to them so that they might become ministers of the gospel of grace. Romans declares that we should present our bodies as living sacrifices which is our reasonable service. By living sacrifice God is not implying that we have a mortar mentality or that we serve with a "woe is me" attitude. We should enter into service with a thankful, joyful heart.
This word is for me! God convicted me about my time. He declares that we are not our own - nor is our time. Each of us in the Body of Christ have been purchased with a price - redeemed by the blood of Jesus. Serving and service is not unto man but unto God. We need the right focus - a change in our perspective.
When we consider the great price that was paid for our liberty - we ought to be more than eager to minister that same grace to others in need. My prayer is that God would give me a cheerful heart in serving Him. I sincerely need to repent of my attitude of "I don't have time". God has redeemed the time for each of us by deferring judgment of our sins. Sin exacted the penalty of death. Christ was manifested in earth to become a sin offering for us. What an awesome God we serve!
I'm encouraged this week to serve the Lord with gladness. Are you?
Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION ® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society