This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. I John 1:5God is indeed light and we've all been made in His image. As the Holy Spirit dwells within us we should be refractors of His light. When we walk contrary to the light (His word), we cast inevitably cast shadows. How so? Consider the following definition from Wikipedia: Shadows - an area where direct light from a light source cannot reach due to obstruction by an object. In our walk, shadows are cast when we allow sin to obstruct the light that is within us.
Are you casting shadows in your daily walk because of un confessed sin? Many times we think of sin as an obvious, flagrant assault to truth such as fornication or other sexually immoral acts; however, I've discovered that the most dangerous sins lie beneath the surface - in the form of pride, poor attitudes, unbelief and un forgiveness.
In my own life, I resolved (before the end of last year) to release all offense and unconfessed sins, thereby brightening my path and allowing His character to radiate in and through me. I entitled this Truth Point shadows because I want to raise your awareness of how your sins affect others...and ultimately overshadows the good work that you attempt to do. The analogy of a shadow provides a good picture of "unintended" affects.
I encourage each of you to confess your sins and turn away from all ways of darkness so that Christ might be revealed in you, and others might clearly see your good works and glorify God.
As always - don't be condemned; be encouraged! .