And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
This scripture is the foundation of the ministry that God has given me. It is simple, yet packed with foundational truths. Truth #1 - We are assured that God is at work in all our circumstances. Truth #2 - If we love him, every circumstance will ultimately work out for the good. Truth #3 - Why...because we have been called by Him for a purpose. Thus the tag line of the ministry...Your purpose is greater than your circumstance!
In bringing this scripture to my heart, God spoke a powerful word regarding surrender. If we can have the kind of confidence that this scripture encourages to "know", then surrender to God in every way is easy. God has known each of us before the foundation of the world. He formed us and established our purposes while in our mother's wombs (Psalms 139:13; Jeremiah 1:5). Therefore, as we live on this earth, and life seemingly catches us off guard, God is not surprised. We do not know the events of the next day or minute for that matter, however; God has seen and ordained every day of our lives on earth. He indeed has declared the end from the beginnings (Isaiah 46:10). While we are waiting to see what the end of a matter, or our lives, will be; God already knows. In His omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence, He is conforming seemingly unrelated, erratic events to serve His purposes. And as long as we remain in Him, they work for the good.
I trust that I can hear from the Spirit and He's leading me to tell you to surrender it all. This is not an easy word to deliver. God gave His all - Christ for us - nothing less is required of each of us. If you are sincerely seeking a move of God (paradigm shift) in this new year, you'll have to surrender. Don't leave any stones unturned in your life. Often, we compartmentalize our lives. We give to God portions of ourselves but maintain some in reserve. What do you mean? We've given our heart, but... not our husband... or children.. or health... or barrenness... or finances or siblings...must I continue you? Well it's time to give God all the compartments/pieces of your life.
Be encouraged...if you fear surrendering to God because you will lose control...news flash - you're not in control anyway. God is and has always been in control. So whatever person or situation that you have not totally surrendered to God - do it now. Let God work in it or them to establish His purposes. He'll work it out for the good!
All scripture quoted from the New International Version of the Bible. International Bible Society Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984