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The Law or Grace

Writer's picture: Gloria WigginsGloria Wiggins

…And so you cancel the word of God for the sake of your own traditions. Matthew 15:6

This week we focus on power or lack thereof in our lives.  I’m always amazed at the saints who are faithful in their devotion, church going and even prayer yet they continue to operate without power in their lives. This baffled me for many years because I know that the Word of God is powerful and sharper than a two edged sword (Hebrews 4:12).  So how is it that one who claims to exalt, honor, esteem and confess the Word of God in their lives continues to remain powerless.  What is power?  My definition - the ability to overcome. We know that we are  conquerors and over comers  through Christ Jesus…right.  So why are so many of us still living defeated, powerless lives? I believe the opening verse gives us some insight?

Jesus was talking to the Pharisees – the most religious sect of their time, about their traditions. He explained to them that they were very faithful in upholding the Jewish  traditions  which were based in the  Law – spawning from the book of Leviticus. However, because Jesus had manifested  (appeared on earth) - the power of the law was destroyed.  In other words Christ is the fulfillment of the law – the finished work. The Pharisees mistakenly believed that their salvation was in keeping the law.  In continuing to embrace or observe the law, after the revelation of Christ, they prevented the power of God from operating in their lives.

 Are you guilty of doing the same thing? Many of us fail to see the power of God operating in our lives because we continue to uphold “the law” after receiving the revelation of Christ? I’m not referring to the practices of the Pharisees but your personal, customized 'ten commandments'. We can make a law out of anything you know.  Many of us make a law out of church going, praying, reading the bible, giving to the needy  which all of these are wonderful if we engage in them with the right motives.  However if our attitude is that we are more righteous or made righteous because we uphold these time honored traditions - we cancel the power God. Grace, in the person of Jesus Chrst, saves us and makes us holy.

I  encourage you this week to reassess the “traditions” that you hold sacred. As yourself...Do they truly honor God? Have they become a law unto themselves? More importantly in keeping them are you imbued with power or depleted of power? This is the true litmus test.  As you reassess your traditions, habits, rituals and the like, keep in mind that we are no longer under the law but under grace. Be encouraged!

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society.


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