Gloria Wiggins
About Author
July 18, 2018
Truth Points


Then Moses said to him, "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that You are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?" Exodus 33:15,16 NIV

In this scripture, Moses is having a private moment with God. He acknowledges the presence of God as the only thing that distinguishes them (the Israelites) from all the other peoples on the earth.  There is much that we can learn from this passage for our day.

We live in a culture that is quickly moving away from absolutes. More and more is being determined in the grey areas of life. This is occurring in our faith and/or religion as well. Jesus declares himself to be the way; however the world declares that there are many 'ways' or paths to God. It is unfortunate that Christians are wavering in their beliefs and practices as well. We (the church) are becoming more like the world. We have taken on the worlds' lusts, appetites, priorities, ways and behaviors. We are walking and talking Christianese but it is a counterfeit Christianity because it is void of power. What makes for true Christianity?

It is not the gifting in the body, nor is it the wealth or charisma - the world has all of that. The markedly distinct characteristic of Christianity is the power that is evident to change. It is the miracles that we experience - the greatest being the change that occurs within the person. We are to live in this world as called out Believers - not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power to save. Not only are we to live in the world, but to persuade the world of the righteousness found only in God - the true and living God. We are failing at this miserably because we have denied our calling to be distinct...peculiar....sanctified. Conforming to the world will never deliver the power of the gospel as it is intended. We must refuse to conform but allow God to perform in us and through us so that the gospel might come forth not in simple word and deed, but in the undeniable power of Christ.

This is to encourage each of you to be the peculiar possession that God has called us to. Refuse to conform but be ye transformed by the renewal of your mind and the power of the Holy Spirit that dwells in you. Be Blessed!

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